Kiara Advani is reportedly set to perform a gripping ‘commando fight’ sequence in her upcoming movie War 2. The film also stars Hrithik Roshan and Jr NTR in pivotal roles. A recent report from a number one entertainment portal suggests that Hrithik Roshan fights Japanese antagonists at Shaolin Temple, while Kiara performs a high-energy fight scene set in a shopping center. This sequence was shot over 4 days at Infiniti Mall in Malad, Mumbai.

Kiara Advani

The reports further suggest that the filming for Jr NTR’s grand entry scene is reportedly being rescheduled to October as a consequence of the actor’s recent injury. The set for a similar was built at Yash Raj Studios but is currently being dismantled.

Kiara Advani

One other report from a number one entertainment portal suggests that “Ayan Mukerji and Aditya Chopra have meticulously worked on the script of War 2 to distinguish it from all that has been done within the YRF Spy Universe till date.” The movie is slated to release on August 14, 2025.

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