Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput Kapoor celebrated their daughter Misha Kapoor’s eighth birthday with a fun-filled party on August 26. The couple, who welcomed Misha in 2016, organized a ‘bling’ themed bash that sparkled with excitement. Shahid’s brother, actor Ishaan Khatter, also joined the celebration, adding to the party vibe. Mira shared glimpses of the party on her Instagram Stories, showcasing the glittery décor and completely happy moments from the event.
Misha Kapoor's birthday

The party décor was all about sparkle and shine, featuring a board that read “Bling it up… Misha’s era” and a lot of cute party glasses. Mira, maintaining with the theme, wore metallic stickers and face gems, and posed with Ishaan, who sported heart-shaped party glasses. The birthday celebration was crammed with silver and pink foil balloons, adding to the fun atmosphere.

Misha Kapoor's birthday

Earlier within the day, Mira posted a heartfelt message for Misha on Instagram, expressing her love and wishing her daughter a lifetime of happiness. Many celebrities, including Ananya Panday, sent their best wishes to Misha on her special occasion. Shahid and Mira are also parents to their son, Zain, born in 2018.

Misha Kapoor's birthday

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