Director Anurag Kashyap has announced that his critically acclaimed film Gangs of Wasseypur will probably be re-released in theatres from August 30 to September 5. The crime-comedy, known for its raw portrayal of the coal mafia in Dhanbad, features stellar performances by Manoj Bajpayee, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Huma Qureshi, and Pankaj Tripathi. Kashyap shared the exciting news on Instagram, revealing that tickets will probably be available at Rs 149.
gangs of wasseypur

Gangs of Wasseypur, which originally released in 2012, quickly became a cultural phenomenon. The film’s intense storytelling, memorable dialogues, and portrayal of gritty realities turned it into an quick cult classic. It also served as a launchpad for actors like Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Pankaj Tripathi, who reminisced in regards to the unique atmosphere on set, contrasting it with today’s film industry practices.

gangs of wasseypur

This limited re-release offers audiences a likelihood to relive the magic of Gangs of Wasseypur on the massive screen and introduces a brand new generation to its unforgettable legacy.

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