The previous few months have been stressful for Bollywood. It began with Salman Khan receiving death threats and a few alleged shooters doing recce of his house in Mumbai. In October last yr, we saw politician Baba Siddique, who had good relations with celebrities, getting assassinated. Now, as per the newest reports flowing in, Kapil Sharma, Rajpal Yadav, and a few more celebrities have received death threats.
It’s learned that the comedian Kapil Sharma, veteran Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav, choreographer Remo D’Souza, and actor-singer Sugandha Mishra have allegedly received death threats. Reportedly, all these celebrities have received threats from Pakistan, and the Mumbai police have already began an investigation by registering an FIR.
Kapil Sharma is the newest celebrity to receive a death threat, and before him, Rajpal Yadav, Remo, and Sugandha received similar threats via email. Talking about Kapil, a user warned the veteran comedian through disturbing mail on December 14, 2024. The user, signed by the name ‘Bishnu,’ asked for a reply inside eight hours and warned celebrities of facing dire consequences for failing to accomplish that.
An FIR has been registered at Amboli Police Station in Mumbai against the unidentified person under section 351(3) of BNS. The IP address of the e-mail has been traced to Pakistan, and it’s learned that security will likely be provided to Kapil Sharma and his family.
As per NDTV, the e-mail sent to Kapil Sharma reads, “We’re monitoring your recent activities and we consider it will be important that we bring to your attention a sensitive matter. This will not be a publicity stunt or an try to harass you, we urge you to treat this message with utmost seriousness and confidentiality.”
These disturbing death threats coincide with a deadly attack on Saif Ali Khan that took place at his Mumbai house just a few days ago. Recently, the attacker was arrested by Mumbai police.
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