During a recent appearance on the “Insight” podcast, Rob Van Dam explained whether he has retired from pro wrestling.
Rob Van Dam said, “I don’t [think I am], and I don’t think I’ll [retire]. That’s how I feel without delay. I feel like even when I don’t take wrestling bookings anymore. I don’t think I’ll make an enormous deal out of retirement. Because when wrestlers retire they find yourself coming back and wrestling anyway. ‘No, I would like another match.’ For me, that is totally eating up the credibility that I had in wrestling retirement matches. I doubt that I’ll ever feel like, ‘No, I’m going to be different. I never wish to wrestle without delay. I’m done.’ I just see me is just going with the flow. And someday, if you say, are you continue to wrestling? I would say, It’s been six years, after which I may need a match.”
While Rob Van Dam is currently signed to a WWE Legends contract, he has also wrestled matches for AEW.