Refund and Return Policy

Effective Date: 2nd August 2023

Welcome to (“we”, “us”, or “our”). This Refund and Return Policy outlines the terms and conditions under which refunds and returns for products or services purchased through third-party advertisements on our website [] (“the Website”) are processed. Please read this policy carefully before making any purchase.

  1. Third-Party Advertisements
    • The Website may feature third-party advertisements or promotional content for products or services (“Third-Party Products”). These advertisements are provided by third-party vendors and are not under our direct control.
    • Any transaction, purchase, or engagement with Third-Party Products is solely between you and the respective third-party vendor. We do not have control over the quality, pricing, availability, shipping, or delivery of these products or services.
  2. Refunds and Returns
    • All refund and return requests for Third-Party Products must be directed to the respective third-party vendor from whom the product or service was purchased.
    • We do not handle refunds, returns, exchanges, or cancellations for Third-Party Products. You are advised to review the refund and return policy of the third-party vendor before making a purchase.
    • We are not responsible for any issues related to payment transactions, refunds, returns, product quality, shipping delays, or any other matters related to Third-Party Products.
  3. Contact Information
    • For any inquiries, concerns, or disputes regarding refunds, returns, or purchases of Third-Party Products, you should directly contact the third-party vendor through the contact details provided by them on their website or within the advertisement.

If you have any other questions, write us at